Movement Alliance Project
Safety We Can Feel
The Challenge
The Movement Alliance Project, which includes six Philadelphia-based organizations, partnered with Social Insights to design and analyze the Safety We Can Feel survey in response to community concerns over rising violence and disparities in city budgets. Our goal was to help answer the question: “what do our communities need to be safe?” Over 1300 Philadelphia residents responded to the survey.
The Approach
The survey was translated into multiple languages to ensure accessibility for the multiple AAPI communities in the city and distributed online, via phone calls and through door-to door organizing. This survey focused on capturing four key categories of information:
Demographic information on respondents zip codes, gender and racial identities
What interventions communities though their city should prioritize to reduce violence and crime
How safe residents felt in their neighborhoods
Opinions on police spending
1,300 Philadelphians completed the survey over three months.
The project was profiled on NPR and in other media.
Raw data was made accessible to the community through the project website.
Work With Us

“The distribution of this survey was intentionally a community effort.
We know internet access is a barrier to hearing from some of the most crucial perspectives.”
Clarise McCants | movement alliance project